Turn your traditional fireplace into an energy one
Turn your traditional fireplace into an energy one
Athanasios Zafeiropoulos
Fireplace technician
The energy fireplace is a new closed chamber fireplace that has a high performance and low wood consumption.
The simple fireplaces found in many homes have a very low efficiency of up to 18%. So the heat that the wood would give us is not used. Things are changing in modern quality energy fireplaces. The degree of efficiency can reach up to 80%, which means that we take advantage of all the energy of the wood, as heat in our space, in contrast to the traditional fireplace, which wastes a lot of wood.
This means that the energy fireplace has a great economy of wood and efficiency in our area, considering that wood is the most economical medium in relation to oil, electricity or gas.
Can a simple fireplace become energy efficient?
This question concerns many families who have a traditional fireplace and would like to easily convert it to an energy one. The answer is positive and the cassettes, as the hearths are called, can be placed on the simple fireplace and make it energy efficient, with very little disturbance to the space and very little cost.
You will quickly save this cost from the economy of the stove which will burn very little wood, we will have more heat as well as the safety offered by a modern closed type fireplace.